
JavaScript if else statement

Conditional statements are used to do various actions in response to certain conditions.

In JavaScript, there are three types of if statements.

  • if Statement
  • if else statement
  • if else if statement

if statement

The if statement is executed when a condition is true.

if (condition) {
    //  if the condition is true, a block of code will be performed
var marks=86;
if(marks > 80 ){  
document.write("A Grade");  

// Output - A Grade

if...else statement

The if statement is executed when a condition is true or else statement will be executed

if (condition) {
    //  if the condition is true
    //  if the condition is false
var marks=77;
if(marks > 80 ){  
document.write("A Grade");  
document.write("B Grade");  

// Output - B Grade

It only analyzes the content if one or more expressions are true.

if (condition 1) {
    //  if the condition matches
}else if (condition 2){
    //  if the condition is matches
    //  if the condition is false
var marks=30;
if(marks > 80 ){  
document.write("A Grade");  
else if(marks > 40 ){  
document.write("B Grade");  

// Output - Fail
